
10 Inspiring and Instructive Nuggets from Gaelin Elmore’s Message at the 29th Celebrate Kids Conference



Here are the key Inspiring and Instructive nuggets and quotes from Gaelin Elmore’s presentation during the 29th Annual Celebrate Kids Conference of the Ohio CASA/GAL Association:

  1. “There is no perfect way to respond to children who are not growing up in the primary environment they are supposed to grow in.”
    • This captures Elmore’s acknowledgment that there’s no ideal approach to addressing the needs of children in foster care or difficult situations, but what matters is that we try.
  2. “Our role as advocates is not to guarantee success; it’s to offer the chance for it.”
    • Elmore emphasizes that advocates can’t control the outcome for the children they serve, but they are responsible for creating opportunities for success.
  3. “Belonging is not just a feeling—it’s creating spaces where children know they are important, seen, and valued, no matter how many times they push you away.”
    • This quote underscores the importance of making children feel valued, even when they resist help.
  4. “The difference between surviving and thriving isn’t removing adversity; it’s about creating a support system that softens the blows and helps them rise above it.”
    • Elmore highlights that adversity won’t disappear, but with support, children can navigate it better.
  5. “Sometimes the most impactful decision we can make as advocates is to continue supporting someone, even when they tell us they don’t need our help.”
    • This quote is about perseverance in advocacy, even when children push away those trying to help.
  6. “Resilience is not just about surviving—it’s about thriving in the face of adversity, and that requires people who are willing to show up consistently.”
    • Elmore touches on the importance of resilience and how it needs to be modeled by those advocating for vulnerable children.
  7. “You can’t control whether the children you advocate for rise to their potential, but you can make sure you give them the chance.”
    • This echoes the idea that advocates are there to open doors for children, even though they can’t control what happens next.
  8. “Belonging is the parachute that slows the freefall, the safety net that catches you when life knocks you down.”
    • A powerful metaphor describing how a sense of belonging can buffer children from life’s hardships.
  9. “Empowerment is about preparing someone for a future where you may no longer be present.”
    • Elmore emphasizes that true advocacy prepares children to succeed independently, rather than becoming dependent on advocates.
  10. “People change when they receive enough—enough love, enough care, enough support. And that’s what we are here to do: give them enough, so they can change, grow, and thrive.”
  • This reflects the overarching message of giving children what they need to create lasting change in their lives.

These quotes capture the essence of Gaelin Elmore’s message about belonging, resilience, and the role of advocacy in creating opportunities for children to thrive, even when faced with difficult circumstances.

Taiwo AKINLAMI is the Curator-in-Chief of the S.A.F.E for Children® Information Bank, Ohio, a Project of Power Parenting Company LLC (http://www.powerparentingcompany.com/)

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