
CCPSB’s Annual Tie-Tying Ceremony Inspires Students to Suit Up for Success


On August 28, 2024, sixth graders at Columbus City Preparatory School for Boys (CCPSB) celebrated a tie-tying ceremony, marking their transition to a new school year. Seventh-grader Malachi Dudley, who had participated in previous ceremonies, expressed his enthusiasm for the event and the inspiration he drew from motivational speakers. At CCPSB, the tie-tying ceremony is an important tradition where ties represent each student’s grade level: sixth graders wear maroon ties, seventh graders wear black ties, and eighth graders sport maroon and black striped ties.

Since its founding in 2010, Columbus City Preparatory School for Boys (CCPSB) has started each school year with a tie-tying ceremony, involving community leaders and family members. Representatives from organizations such as 100 Black Men of Central Ohio, My Brother’s Keeper, and the National Pan-Hellenic Council, as well as CCS staff and local officials, attended the event. Former quarterback Cardale Jones also participated, delivering a keynote address. The ceremony aims to teach students more than just how to tie a tie; it signifies a commitment to their academic and social success. The event provided students with encouragement and a sense of community support, fostering hope and unity.

Eighth-grader Jaylon Graves valued the annual tie-tying ceremony for its role in preparing students for future opportunities, while sixth-grader Kareem Lipson enjoyed the community spirit and the chance to see role models. Area Superintendent Stephanie Patton and Columbus City Schools Superintendent/CEO Dr. Angela Chapman both expressed pride in the event, highlighting its importance in showing students they are cared for and supported by both their school and the community. The ceremony underscores the commitment to nurturing and preparing students for success.



Read More: https://ohio.childreninfobank.com/safebank/ccpsbs-annual-tie-tying-ceremony-inspires-students-to-suit-up-for-success/


Image Source:https://www.ccsoh.us/

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