
Lower-income Ohioans Can now Get $120 to Cover Kids’ Meals While School’s Out for the Summer

Source: https://www.cleveland.com/news

A new federal program aims to provide continuous access to breakfast and lunch for low-income Ohio students during the summer break when school is out.

The Summer EBT program, which is set to launch in Ohio and 35 other states this year, offers one-time payments of $120 to lower-income families with children ages 6 to 18. The idea is to help these families buy groceries in June, July and August, when schools don’t offer free or reduced-price breakfast or lunch.

The program is open to an estimated 846,000 school-age Ohioans whose families who are already enrolled in or eligible for Medicaid, receive SNAP or welfare benefits, and/or have children certified to receive free or reduced-price school meals since July of last year. Most families who are already enrolled in SNAP, also known as food stamps, will have the money automatically added onto their existing EBT card.

Summer EBT money, as with SNAP benefits, can be used to purchase food like meats, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, bread, cereal, snack food and non-alcoholic drinks, according to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. It can’t be used to buy hot food, pet food, cleaning or household supplies, personal hygiene items or medicine.



Read More: https://ohio.childreninfobank.com/safebank/lower-income-ohioans-can-now-get-120-to-cover-kids-meals-while-schools-out-for-the-summer/


Image Source: AP Photo

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