
Ohio House Bill Seeks to Mandate Daily Pledge of Allegiance in Schools


A bipartisan bill pending in the Ohio House, House Bill 117, would require all public schools to establish a daily time for students and staff to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, aiming to reinforce patriotism among Ohio’s youth.

Currently, individual school districts set their own policies regarding the pledge, with some choosing to recite it only on special occasions or not at all. H.B. 117 would standardize the practice by requiring school boards to determine a time and manner for daily recitation though participation would remain voluntary for students and staff.

The bill also encourages lesson plans on the pledge and prohibits any alterations to its wording. Rep. Sean Brennan (D-Parma), a former civics teacher, and Rep. Tracy Richardson (R-Marysville) are leading the effort, arguing that too many students never learn the Pledge of Allegiance under current policies.

“It’s too bad that they’re not saying the Pledge of Allegiance in every single school, every single day in the state of Ohio,” Brennan stated. The bill has not yet received proponent or opponent testimony in its House committee.

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