Law and Policy

Ohio Bill Proposes Mandatory Historical Document Displays in Classrooms


The Ohio Senate Education Committee is weighing Senate Bill 34, a proposal requiring classrooms to display at least one state-approved historical document, potentially including the Ten Commandments.

The bill, sponsored by Sen. Terry Johnson (R-McDermott), aims to expose students to foundational texts like the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Magna Carta, and the Northwest Ordinance. However, opponents argue that including the Ten Commandments blurs the line between church and state.

The ACLU of Ohio has voiced opposition, with Chief Lobbyist Gary Daniels calling the inclusion of the Ten Commandments an “obvious attempt to impose explicit religious beliefs.” Jewish community member Andrea Pagoda also questioned which version of the commandments would be used, noting variations among religious traditions.

Supporters, like Monty Lobb of the Christian Business Partnership, argue that the Ten Commandments shaped American legal and moral traditions, influencing values such as honesty, respect, and justice.

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