Law and Policy

New Ohio Bill Aims to Crack Down on Child Labor Violations


A new bill in Ohio aims to strengthen protections against child labor violations. State Representative Erika White (D-Springfield Township), a freshman lawmaker from Lucas County, has introduced the Clock Kids Out Act, a measure designed to expand investigations, increase penalties, and involve educators in identifying violations.

Under the proposed legislation, school employees would be required to report any reasonable suspicion that a student under 16 is working in violation of child labor laws. The bill would also establish an enforcement fund to bolster efforts in investigating reports and holding employers accountable.

White, who is sponsoring the bill as her first in the Ohio House, is clear about its purpose: ensuring that children are not used to fill workforce shortages.

“Easy is not an answer, and kids are not the answer,” White said. “We’re not just standing up for our kids—we’re fighting for them. And if you’re not protecting a child, we’re going to come forth with some enforcement.”

The urgency of the bill is underscored by data from the U.S. Department of Labor, which reports a 69% increase in illegal child employment cases between 2018 and 2023. White’s legislation seeks to address this growing problem by holding businesses accountable and reinforcing protections for young workers.

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