Ohio Bill Proposes Tax Credits for ‘Conceived Children’ as Dependents

Source: http://ohiocapitaljournal.com
A newly reintroduced bill in the Ohio General Assembly would allow taxpayers to claim unborn children as dependents on their state taxes.
Ohio House Bill 87, led by Rep. Gary Click (R-Vickery), builds on a previous “personhood” bill that aimed to grant rights to embryos and fetuses at conception. Though that bill stalled, a critic’s question about tax credits sparked this new proposal.
The bill also expands tax exemptions for essential baby items like cribs and pack-and-plays, aiming to provide financial relief for expectant families. “These seem like little things, but when you’re just a little couple starting off, every cent matters,” Click said.
If passed, the law would allow couples—or a pregnant individual filing separately—to claim a “conceived child” as a dependent, including those conceived through assisted reproduction and implanted in the uterus.
Read more of the story here: https://ohio.childreninfobank.com/safebank/conceived-children-could-be-dependents-under-new-ohio-house-bill/
Image Source: http://ohiocapitaljournal.com