
Ohio K-12 Students Will Soon Get Up to 3 Days Off To Observe Religious Holy Days


Ohio K-12 students in public, charter, and STEM schools can now take up to three excused absences each academic year to observe religious holidays, thanks to House Bill 214, signed by Gov. Mike DeWine on July 24.

Parents must notify the school principal in writing within 14 days of the school year’s start, or within 14 days of enrollment if the student starts mid-year. Schools must provide accommodations for missed work, quizzes, or tests and allow students to participate in extracurricular activities despite absences for religious observances.

The law encourages inclusivity by accommodating religious practices and provides a non-exhaustive list of holidays, including Diwali, Passover, Good Friday, and Eid al-Fitr.

Bishun Panday, president of the Bharatiya Hindu Temple in Powell, welcomed the change, stating it offers Hindu families better opportunities to celebrate their traditions.

This policy go into effect on Jan. 22, ensuring Ohio schools respect and support diverse religious practices.

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