BG Teacher Laura Johns Loves it When Students Learn to Hate Math Less

BOWLING GREEN, Ohio-Laura Johns, an eighth-grade math teacher at Bowling Green Middle School, was honored by the BG Kiwanis Club for her inspirational teaching methods. Johns integrates math lessons into games, finding creative ways to engage her students. Despite being recognized, she feels humbled among other educators she admires.

With a passion for math instilled from an early age, Johns recalls her journey to becoming a teacher, initially aspiring to teach high school math but finding fulfillment with middle schoolers. She values catching moments of kindness among her students and witnessing their growth as math thinkers. Johns emphasizes building relationships with her students and cherishes the camaraderie among her fellow teachers. Other Bowling Green educators recognized by the Kiwanis Club include Melissa Hemminger and Jeff Nichols.



BG teacher Laura Johns loves it when students learn to hate math less

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