Akron Education Association Drops, for Now, Lawsuit Over Video Gap From January Meeting

AKRON, Ohio-Malarcik, representing the Akron Education Association (AEA), stated that further investigation is needed after issues arose during depositions of the superintendent and his staff. This investigation could not be completed before the upcoming court date, leading the AEA to seek more time. Akron Public Schools (APS) attorney Steve Funk criticized the voluntary dismissal, suggesting it indicates a lack of merit in the union’s case and unnecessary expenditure of taxpayer money. The lawsuit originally concerned missing footage from a board meeting video related to a third-party tutoring firm’s use, which the school board later decided against. The case was then amended to focus on whether the video was edited. Depositions revealed discrepancies and raised questions about the superintendent’s credibility, prompting the need for more forensic examination. APS officials and board members argue that the lawsuit was baseless and did not benefit the school community.



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