Parents Charged in June 2021 Swimming Pool Drowning Deaths of Brother and Sister

COLUMBUS, Ohio-The parents of a 2 and 4-year-old brother and sister who drowned in a Far East Side pool in June 2021 now face criminal charges in their deaths. Patricia Davis, 39, and Kenneth Deer, 46, each face two charges of involuntary manslaughter and two charges of endangering children.

The children, Prince Dear and Victory Dear, died in a pool in the backyard of their parents’ home. Autopsy reports concluded they died as a result of drowning. Warrants have been issued for the parents’ arrests, but neither have court dates scheduled or attorneys listed. The pool, mostly filled with rainwater, leaves, and algae, was described as “muck” by a Columbus police lieutenant. The pool had not been properly maintained for at least six years before the drownings. Although police had previously interviewed Davis, charges were not filed until Friday.

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