Lower-income Ohioans Can now Get $120 to Cover Kids’ Meals While School’s Out for the Summer

COLUMBUS, Ohio-The Summer EBT program is launching in Ohio and several other states to ensure low-income families with school-age children have access to meals during the summer break when schools don’t provide breakfast or lunch. Eligible families will receive a one-time payment of $120 to purchase groceries in June, July, and August.

Approximately 846,000 Ohio school-age children from eligible families can benefit from the program if they are enrolled in Medicaid, receive SNAP or welfare benefits, or qualify for free or reduced-price school meals. The funds will be automatically added to SNAP EBT cards for most eligible families. The money can be used to buy various food items but cannot be used for hot food, pet supplies, cleaning products, personal hygiene items, or medicine.



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